Dual Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser

With four distinct Q-switched mode wavelengths – 1064 nm, 532 nm, 585 nm, 650 nm, LUTRONIC’s Dual-pulsed Q-switched Nd: YAG SPECTRA™ has the versatility to provide a wide range of treatment options. It is the only laser on the market FDA cleared to treat melasma, and most recently by introducing the Gold handpiece to more effectively treat redness caused by post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The technically advanced Spectra system offers an edge over other lasers and provides enhanced clinical outcomes.

Laser Toning

Laser Toning removes or lightens the appearance of melasma as melanin and melansomes in the skin are selectively destroyed by the laser energy. The clinical benefit has been proven over recent years in all different types of skin, and it is now even more effective with the new treatment mode of Spectra XT using its double-pulse technology.

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Carbon Toning

Spectra Peel and soft peel is a laser treatment done with topical carbon suspension. The applied carbon particles penetrate into the pores, the energy from the laser is absorbed by the carbon particles causing mini-explosions. The pores will be cleansed and reduce the chance of acne.
Laser treatments also promote dermal remodelling and regeneration of collagen thus recover elasticity in the skin.

Spectra Hollywood Laser Peel

Gold Toning

Spectra Gold is a toning treatment suitable for individuals who have acne, rosacea and skin flushing. The laser gently treats active acne and reddening of the skin associated with rosacea and post-acne scarring also known as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

The gold handpiece is intended to counteract reddening of the skin and works by not directly destroying the abnormal blood vessels but normalising them. This reduces the possible side effects of the destruction of the blood vessels by lessening the inflammation in the surrounding area. In addition, Gold Toning restores the healthy state of the affected cells that surround the micro vessels with abnormal activity.

Spectra Gold also helps active acne as it shrinks the oil glands, drying up and killing bad bacteria that causes acne. This procedure is non-ablative (the laser heats underlying skin without harming the surface), very comfortable and has very little or no downtime.

Spectra XT - Q switched Nd:YAG for Tattooremovel - Lutronic Aesthetic Lasers, visual and surgical lasers


  • Melasma
  • Epidermal Nevi
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Acne Scars
  • Non-ablative Resurfacing
  • Pigmented and Vascular Lesions
  • And more